Tilbake til ansatte

Ida Beinnes Hoff

Partner & Chief Operating Officer
+47 489 59 465

In 2022, Ida Beinnes Hoff (born in 1981) was honored with the title of "Headhunter of the Year" at The Hunt hosted by FINN.no.

Throughout her career, she has developed a strong understanding of competency assessment, selection, and organizational development. As a consultant, Ida is proactive, curious, and skilled in leading and managing processes from start to finish. Holding a bachelor's degree in logistics from Molde University College and a Master of Science in leadership and organizational psychology from BI Norwegian Business School, Ida has previously worked as a consultant at Mercuri Urval and as a senior project manager/department head at Confex Norway, focusing on the development of leaders and specialists. She has also served as a producer and project manager for large-scale events. With extensive experience in competency enhancement across sectors, Ida effectively works with both individuals and teams. She is certified in OPQ personality tests.